Meet tight deadlines
Save time using fast, efficient workflows
Discover a faster, more versatile way to
create eye-catching posters and signage.
Some print technology doesn’t offer customers the flexibility and control that they need when printing promotional material.
Save time using fast, efficient workflows
A digital process with minimal set-up boosts productivity
Offer maximum scope for customisation and personalisation
Invest in technology that lets you offer new applications
The evolution of promotional printing
We can now accept any job because we know we can deliver it in time and at a good quality.
Tom Bongaerts
CEO, Impressa
Belgian print services provider Impressa was looking for a digital solution to help it meet growing demand for short run orders of personalised promotional materials. However, the set-up time and labour involved in its offset process made it hard to offer high quality short run printing at competitive prices.
Following our guidance, the company invested in the ColorWave 700, a fast and highly versatile graphic arts printer that produces high quality, instant dry and waterproof prints on uncoated, thick and custom media.
Shorter turnaround times, streamlined workflows and the ability to print in collated sets cut delivery times by 2 to 3 days, enabling the company to take on 15-20% more work. The company was also able to attract new customers by offering fully customised posters and POS materials at competitive prices.